General Information About Boston Terriers

Absurd Myths About Boston Terriers: Debunking 10 of the Most Negative

Absurd Myths About Boston Terriers

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Boston Terriers, often affectionately referred to as “Bosties” or “the American Gentleman,” have captured the hearts of many with their charming, loving personalities and distinctive tuxedo-like markings. However, along with their popularity comes a fair share of misconceptions and myths about Boston Terriers.

In this article, I’m going to debunk ten common myths about Boston Terriers, shedding light on the truth and revealing why these dogs are so special.

The 10 Most Common Myths About Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers Are Aggressive

One of the prevalent myths about Boston Terriers is their perceived aggressiveness. This misconception likely stems from their stout appearance and the notion that small breeds can be feisty. However, Boston Terriers are known for their friendly and amiable temperament. They are social dogs that enjoy interacting with both humans and other animals. Proper training and socialization play a crucial role in shaping their behavior, and with proper care and nurturing, aggression is a rarity. This is one of the longest running myths about Boston Terriers.

Boston Terriers Require Extensive Grooming

Another of the myths about Boston Terriers is there is a demand for a significant amount of grooming. While it’s true that regular grooming is important to keep them looking their best and maintain good hygiene, their short coat is relatively easy to manage. Brushing a Boston Terrier’s coat once a week is usually sufficient to keep it clean and tidy. They may need a nail trim every month or two. This breed is a great choice for those seeking a low-maintenance pet.

Boston Terriers Cannot Tolerate Cold Weather

Another of the common myths about Boston Terriers that some believe is that they cannot withstand cold weather due to their short coat. However, they can adapt to various climates, including cold ones, with proper precautions. Providing them with appropriate outerwear during colder seasons and ensuring they have a warm and cozy place to rest indoors are effective ways to keep them comfortable during colder months. If anything, they may have issues with hot weather due to Bracycephalic syndrome, which makes it a bit harder for them to cool down.

Boston Terrier in snow

Boston Terriers Are High-Energy Dogs

Contrary to the belief that Boston Terriers are high-energy dogs, they are actually moderate in their exercise needs. While they enjoy playtime and walks, they are not as hyperactive as some other small breeds. Regular walks and interactive play sessions are usually sufficient to meet their exercise requirements and keep them happy and healthy. Most active Boston Terriers do well with about 30 minutes of moderate play or exercise a day.

You may end up with a “couch potato” like my Boston Terrier, Nella. She is perfectly fine in her bed, or sleeping nearby, with short breaks for potty and play.

Boston Terriers Are Not Good with Children

Another of the very common myths about Boston Terriers that some people mistakenly think is they are not suitable for families with children. However, Boston Terriers are known for being affectionate, gentle, and patient with children. They often form strong bonds with the family, including the little ones, making them excellent family pets. Nothing could be further from the truth on this one!

Little girl hugging a Boston Terrier dog in her arms on a hammock

Boston Terriers Cannot Be Trained

It’s a common myth about Boston Terriers that they are difficult to train due to their perceived stubbornness. In reality, Boston Terriers are intelligent and eager to please, which makes them relatively easy to train. With positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience, they can learn various commands and behaviors. There are many famous Boston Terriers in movies, commercials and TV shows, as proof for how trainable they are. Once a Boston holds your heart, with consistency, training should be a breeze.

Boston Terriers Have Health Issues That Are Incurable

While it’s true that Boston Terriers can be prone to certain health issues, labeling them as incurable is a misconception. Responsible breeding practices and regular veterinary check-ups can significantly mitigate potential health concerns. Proper care, a balanced diet, and regular exercise can also help maintain their overall well-being.

Boston Terriers Cannot Live with Other Pets

Another of the absurd myths about Boston Terriers is they cannot peacefully coexist with other pets. Boston Terriers are generally sociable and can adapt well to living with other pets, including dogs and cats. Early socialization and proper introductions can help them form positive relationships with their furry housemates. While I’m sure there are exceptions, every Boston I have ever had has got along perfectly with other dogs, cats, birds, etc. Most Boston Terriers are loving and kind to everyone.

Boston Terrier with cat and little dog

Boston Terriers Are Only Suitable for Apartments

While Boston Terriers can thrive in apartment living due to their small size and moderate exercise needs, they are adaptable and can also do well in houses with yards. As long as they receive proper exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship, they can live happily in various living situations. They aren’t picky — you could live in a cardboard box, and they wouldn’t care. They just want to be with you.

Boston Terriers Are Not Ideal for Active Individuals

Some may believe that Boston Terriers are not a good match for active individuals due to their compact size. However, Boston Terriers are quite energetic and enjoy outdoor activities. They can be great companions for active individuals who love to hike, jog, or engage in other physical activities. In fact, they do very well at agility competitions!

Why Boston Terriers Are Special:

Boston Terriers possess a unique combination of charming qualities that make them stand out in the world of canine companions. Their affectionate nature, playful demeanor, and unwavering loyalty endear them to families, singles, and seniors alike.

Boston Terriers are renowned for their abundant zest for life and playful demeanor. Their amusing antics can supply an infinite amount of entertainment. Additionally, they are generally affectionate, intelligent, and easily trainable. Boston Terriers often have an affinity for people, making them excellent companions for families. Another of the absurd myths about Boston Terriers is that they are “old people dogs.” While they make wonderful pets for elderly people, they are just as good for families.

Bostons seem to have a 6th sense — they usually only bark when necessary and have an uncanny ability to know when it’s play time, and when it’s quiet time. They are intensely interested in YOU and can read your facial expressions, body language, tone of voice etc. Like. A. Book.

They are remarkably adaptable, fitting seamlessly into various lifestyles and living spaces. Their expressive eyes and distinctive tuxedo-like coat add to their irresistible appeal, making them the perfect embodiment of a true American Gentleman.


Debunking the myths about Boston Terriers is essential to ensure potential pet owners have accurate information when considering this wonderful breed. Understanding their true nature and debunking misconceptions allows for informed decisions and fosters a loving and mutually beneficial relationship between these delightful dogs and their human companions.

As one can see, in general, myths about Boston Terriers are just that — a rumor started by people who base an opinion off of one or two instances — and likely never owned a Boston Terrier.

If you’re considering adding a Boston Terrier to your family, embrace the truth about their temperament, care, and unique qualities, and experience the joy of welcoming a remarkable companion into your life.

Boston Terrier Bummy

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