General Information About Boston Terriers

8 Important Breed Standards for Boston Terriers

Important Breed Standards for Boston Terriers

Introduction to Boston Terrier Breed Standards

In this blog post, we will discuss breed standards, as set forth by the AKC, revealing the specific traits that make Boston Terriers truly unique. Whether you’re a dedicated fan of the Boston Terrier or simply interested in learning more about this notable dog, we’ll explore the breed standards that shape their exceptional qualities.

A Gang of Boston Terriers

Picture this: A solid and well-balanced dog with a friendly and inquisitive expression. This is the essence of a Boston Terrier, often referred to as the “American Gentleman.” Let’s go in to an overview on the breed standards as put forth by the AKC to understand what makes these dogs so special.

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What Are The American Kennel Club (AKC) Breed Standards?

The American Kennel Club serves as the ruling authority for purebred dog breeds in the America. Their standard for Bostons outlines the ideal characteristics and physical traits for each breed that is recognized. For Boston Terriers, the AKC has set a specific breed standard that defines the Boston Terrier’s appearance, temperament, and overall build.

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Breed Standards Appearance and Physical Features:

Boston Terriers are known for their distinctive appearance. According to the AKC breed standards, they should have a compact and well-balanced body with a square appearance. Their head should be proportionate to the body, featuring a broad and flat skull, expressive round eyes, and ears that are carried erect.

Conformation Image Courtesy of Boston Terrier Club of America
Conformation Image Courtesy of Boston Terrier Club of America

The Boston Terrier’s appearance is undeniably distinctive and plays a significant role in their widespread popularity. As outlined by the breed guidelines set by the American Kennel Club (AKC), Boston Terriers are known for their compact and well-balanced physique, which gives them a unique and attractive square appearance. This breed’s physical attributes are carefully detailed and cherished by enthusiasts and breeders alike.

1. AKC Breed Standards for Boston Terrier’s Head

The Boston Terrier’s head is one of its most defining features. It is proportionate to the body and stands out with a broad and flat skull. This characteristic imparts an air of intelligence and confidence to the breed.

The head of the Boston Terrier is a defining feature that plays a significant role in the breed’s distinct appearance and adherence to breed standards. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) guidelines and various breed standards, the Boston Terrier’s head is carefully described, and its proportions are critical to defining the breed’s unique character.

One of the most striking aspects of the Boston Terrier’s head is its proportionality to the body. The breed standard emphasizes that the head should be in harmony with the overall body structure. This balance is essential in creating the Boston Terrier’s classic square appearance. The head’s dimensions are neither oversized nor undersized, allowing it to exude an air of intelligence and confidence. This proportionate head size aligns with the breed’s image as an alert and composed dog, underscoring its “American Gentleman” nickname.

A key feature of the Boston Terrier’s head is its broad and flat skull. This flatness contributes to their unique and charming expression. The width of the skull gives their head a strong and well-defined appearance, adding to the breed’s confident demeanor. It’s also a characteristic that sets them apart from other breeds. Their flat skull serves as a canvas for their expressive eyes and a distinctive feature that endears them to their owners.

The Boston Terrier’s head reflects a blend of qualities that contribute to their overall appeal. This breed’s intelligence shines through their bright and expressive eyes, which are framed by the broad skull. These eyes are known for their inquisitive and friendly gaze, creating an impression of a dog that is not only well-proportioned but also highly perceptive and communicative. The combination of a flat skull and expressive eyes adds depth to their personality and enhances their capacity to connect with humans.

In essence, the Boston Terrier’s head is a cornerstone of the breed’s identity, encapsulating qualities such as intelligence, confidence, and a charming demeanor. The balance and proportionality of the head relative to the body are key elements in creating the Boston Terrier’s square and well-balanced appearance. Their flat and broad skull, framed by expressive eyes, adds to their unique charm and distinct “American Gentleman” allure. These defining characteristics are not only integral to the breed standards but also to the endearing and iconic nature of the Boston Terrier.

2. Boston Terrier Eyes According to Breed Standards

Their expressive round eyes, set at a suitable distance from one another, are known for their bright and inquisitive gaze. These eyes are often compared to liquid orbs that reflect the Boston Terrier’s warm and friendly personality. They not only endear this breed to their owners but also enhance their communication abilities with humans, making them highly responsive and expressive.

The Boston Terrier’s eyes are a captivating feature that adds to the breed’s endearing and expressive nature. As specified in the breed standards set by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other breed organizations, the eyes of Boston Terriers are meticulously described to capture their unique qualities.

One of the standout features of the Boston Terrier’s eyes is their round shape, which imparts a soft and friendly appearance. The roundness of their eyes creates an inviting and engaging expression that is often described as bright and inquisitive. These expressive eyes are known for their ability to convey a wide range of emotions, making it easy for owners to understand their Boston Terrier’s feelings and intentions.

The eyes are ideally set at a suitable distance from each other, contributing to the breed’s balanced and alert facial appearance. This spacing ensures that the eyes are symmetrical and enhances the dog’s overall charm. The balanced positioning of their eyes reflects the Boston Terrier’s well-proportioned head and body, which is a defining characteristic of the breed.

The Boston Terrier’s eyes are often likened to “liquid orbs” due to their warm and soulful appearance. These eyes have an almost hypnotic quality, making it difficult to resist their gaze. This captivating trait not only endears Boston Terriers to their owners but also enhances their communication abilities. These dogs are highly responsive and expressive, and their eyes play a pivotal role in conveying their emotions and intentions. Whether it’s excitement, curiosity, happiness, or even concern, Boston Terriers use their eyes to engage with their human companions on a profound level.

In summary, the Boston Terrier’s eyes are a vital component of their charm and character. Their expressive, round eyes, set at the right distance from one another, create a warm and friendly gaze that is instrumental in connecting with their owners. These eyes are not only aesthetically appealing, but also serve as a window to the Boston Terrier’s emotions, enriching their communication abilities and reinforcing their reputation as the “American Gentleman.” Their eyes are a testament to the breed’s capacity to form strong bonds and to convey a wide range of feelings, further solidifying their status as beloved companions.

3. Boston Terrier Ears According to Breed Standards

Ears are another important aspect of the Boston Terrier’s appearance. These dogs are characterized by their erect ears, which give them an alert and attentive expression. The positioning of their ears adds to their overall charm and plays a role in their ability to communicate emotions and intentions. Whether their ears are perked up in curiosity or relaxed in contentment, Boston Terriers’ ears are an integral part of their distinctive look.

The Boston Terrier’s ears are an integral part of their distinctive appearance and contribute significantly to their unique charm. As outlined by the breed standards and descriptions set by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other breed organizations, the erect ears of the Boston Terrier play a crucial role in creating their alert and engaging expression.

The ears are small, carried erect, either natural or cropped to conform to the shape of the head and situated as near to the corners of the skull as possible.


One of the most notable characteristics of the Boston Terrier’s ears is their erect stance. These dogs are recognized by their perky, pointed ears, which stand upright on the sides of their head. This erect positioning gives Boston Terriers an alert and attentive expression, enhancing their ability to connect with their surroundings and respond to various stimuli. Whether their ears are held high in curiosity or relaxation, their posture reflects their awareness and engagement.

The Boston Terrier’s ears not only contribute to their alertness but also play a role in conveying their emotions and intentions. When a Boston Terrier is curious or excited, their ears may stand tall and erect, adding an extra layer of expressiveness to their appearance. This communicates their interest and eagerness to interact with their environment and human companions.

Conversely, when Boston Terriers are relaxed and content, their ears may appear more laid back, reflecting their comfort and ease. This adaptability in the positioning of their ears allows Boston Terriers to communicate their moods effectively, ensuring that their owners can read their emotions with ease. It’s these non-verbal cues that further enrich the bond between Boston Terriers and their human families.

In essence, the Boston Terrier’s erect ears are an important aspect of their appearance, adding to their overall charm and ability to engage with people. The alert and attentive expression they create reflects the breed’s intelligence and responsiveness, enhancing their role as beloved companions. Whether held high in curiosity or relaxed in contentment, these ears are an essential part of the Boston Terrier’s distinctive look and their capacity to communicate emotions and intentions.

4. Boston Terrier Coat According to Breed Standards

The breed’s coat is short, smooth, and glossy, contributing to their easy grooming and low-maintenance care. This smooth coat enhances their neat and polished appearance, fitting their nickname as the “American Gentleman.” Their coat color typically follows the tuxedo pattern, with three primary variations: Black, Brown, and Brindle, set against a white background. This pattern is not only visually striking, but also adds to their charming and formal demeanor.

The Boston Terrier’s coat is another defining aspect of their appearance, and it contributes significantly to their overall charm and distinctive look. As per the breed standards set by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other breed organizations, the Boston Terrier’s coat is described with precision, highlighting the features that make it a key element of the breed’s iconic “American Gentleman” image.

The Boston Terrier’s coat is characterized by its short, smooth, and glossy texture.

American Kennel Club

This specific coat type is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also easy to maintain, making it a practical choice for pet owners. The smooth and sleek nature of their coat gives Boston Terriers a polished and well-groomed appearance, which aligns perfectly with their nickname as the “American Gentleman.” Their coat exudes a sense of tidiness and sophistication, further reinforcing the breed’s reputation for refined elegance.

One of the most distinguishing features of the Boston Terrier’s coat is its distinctive tuxedo pattern. This striking pattern is a hallmark of the breed, setting them apart from other dogs. The tuxedo pattern typically features a predominantly white background with contrasting patches of color. The primary coat colors for Boston Terriers are Black, Brown, and Brindle, all of which create a visually appealing contrast with the white base. This tuxedo-like appearance is not only eye-catching, but also adds to their charming and formal demeanor, reinforcing their nickname as the “American Gentleman.”

The contrast between the white background and the colored patches is visually striking and makes Boston Terriers easily recognizable. This pattern also accentuates their bright and expressive eyes, adding to their overall appeal. It is this unique combination of coat color and pattern that contributes to the Boston Terrier’s formal and distinguished appearance, setting them apart as a breed with an unmistakable sense of style.

The Boston Terrier’s coat is a key element in defining their appearance, adding to their overall charm and elegance. Their short, smooth, and glossy coat is not only visually pleasing but also easy to maintain. The tuxedo pattern, featuring the contrasting colors against a white background, is the breed’s trademark and a testament to their unique and distinguished appearance. Whether in Black, Brown, or Brindle, Boston Terriers wear their tuxedo coats with style, reinforcing their status as the “American Gentleman” of the canine world.

In conclusion, the Boston Terrier’s appearance is a harmonious blend of physical traits that has made them not only an iconic breed but also a beloved companion to countless families. Their square and well-balanced body, expressive eyes, broad and flat skull, and erect ears collectively contribute to their unique and endearing appearance. Whether they are admired for their formal tuxedo coat or their friendly expression, Boston Terriers are easily recognizable and cherished for their iconic and charming look.

5. Coat Colors and Markings According to Breed Standards:

The AKC also specifies the acceptable coat color and markings for Boston Terriers. They should have a short and smooth coat that comes in three primary colors: brindle, black, and seal. Additionally, Boston Terriers exhibit a unique pattern known as “tuxedo” or “bicolor,” with white markings on the face, chest, and a band around the neck, resembling a gentleman’s tuxedo.

Boston Terrier Colors

The coat color and markings of the Boston Terrier are central to the breed’s identity and are carefully detailed in the breed standards, particularly those established by the American Kennel Club (AKC). These guidelines define the acceptable coat colors and the unique “tuxedo” or “two color” pattern that distinguishes Boston Terriers from other breeds.

Boston Terriers come in three primary coat colors, as recognized by the AKC breed standards. The first is Brindle, characterized by a mix of dark and light stripes or streaks on a background color. These stripes create a striking and distinctive appearance and are often seen on Boston Terriers.

The second recognized color is Black, which results in a sleek and classic look. The third color is Seal, a rich and dark brown shade that adds depth and character to their coat. The variety in these coat colors gives potential owners a choice while still preserving the breed’s distinct identity.

What truly sets Boston Terriers apart is their unique coat pattern, often referred to as “tuxedo” or “bicolor.” This pattern involves white markings on specific areas of their body, which gives them the appearance of wearing a tuxedo or formal suit. These white markings are typically found on the face, chest, and there is often a band of white around their neck, resembling a bow tie. This distinctive pattern is the reason behind their nickname as the “American Gentleman.”

Color and Markings: Brindle, seal, or black with white markings. Brindle is preferred only if all
other qualities are equal. (Note: Seal Defined. Seal appears black except it has a red cast when
viewed in the sun or bright light.) Disqualify – Solid black, solid brindle or solid seal without
required white markings. Any color not described in the standard.

Required Markings: White muzzle band, white blaze between the eyes, white forechest.

Desired Markings: White muzzle band, even white blaze between the eyes and over the head, white collar, white forechest, white on part or whole of forelegs and hind legs below the hocks. (Note: A representative specimen should not be penalized for not possessing desired Markings.) A dog with a preponderance of white on the head or body must possess sufficient merit otherwise to counteract its deficiencies

American Kennel Club

The tuxedo pattern not only adds to their overall charm but also reinforces their image as a refined and distinguished breed. The white markings, particularly on the face, often give Boston Terriers a mask-like appearance, further enhancing their expressive eyes. The combination of their coat colors and the tuxedo pattern is visually striking and serves as a defining characteristic of the breed, making Boston Terriers easily recognizable.

In summary, the coat color and markings of Boston Terrier breed standards are integral to their identity and contribute significantly to their distinctive look. The three primary coat colors—brindle, black, and seal—provide variety while preserving the breed’s unique character.

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6. Size and Proportions According to Breed Standards:

Boston Terriers are a small to medium-sized breed. According to the AKC, they should ideally stand between 15 to 17 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 12 to 25 pounds. Their body should be well-muscled and balanced, with a square build and a level topline.

Boston Terrier Club of America Conformation
Conformation Image Courtesy of Boston Terrier Club of America

The size and proportions of Boston Terriers are meticulously outlined in breed standards, providing a clear description of the breed’s physical characteristics. These specifications are essential in maintaining the Boston Terrier’s signature square and well-proportioned appearance, which contributes to their overall charm and appeal.

Boston Terriers belong to the small to medium-sized category of dogs, and their dimensions are carefully defined by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Ideally, Boston Terriers should stand between 15 to 17 inches at the shoulder. This range ensures that Boston Terriers maintain their compact and square build, a defining feature that sets them apart from other breeds. Their height is well-balanced with their body length, creating the desired square appearance that characterizes the breed.

In addition to their height, the AKC breed standards specifies the acceptable weight range for Boston Terriers, which typically falls between 12 and 25 pounds. This range accommodates variations in size while ensuring that Boston Terriers remain compact and well-proportioned. The balance between their height and weight contributes to their square build and elegant appearance, making them appear both sturdy and refined.

A key element of the Boston Terrier’s physique is their well-muscled body, which is mentioned in the breed standards. This muscularity reflects their strength and athleticism, despite their small to medium size. Their muscles contribute to their balanced and agile appearance, underscoring their versatility as both a companion and an active breed.

Another aspect that the breed standards specify is the level topline, meaning that their back is straight and even from the shoulder to the hindquarters. This level topline enhances their overall symmetry and helps create their square appearance. It’s this sense of balance and proportion that complements the breed’s distinct facial features and coat pattern, further solidifying their identity as the “American Gentleman.”

In conclusion, the size and proportions of Boston Terriers are fundamental to their iconic appearance. Their small to medium size, along with their square build and well-muscled body, creates a harmonious and balanced look that defines the breed. The level topline ensures their symmetry and contributes to their overall charm.

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7. Breed Standards Temperament and Personality Traits:

Beyond physical appearance, Boston Terriers are known for their charming personalities. They are intelligent, friendly, and affectionate companions. The AKC breed standard emphasizes their amiable and gentle nature, as they are often referred to as “people dogs” due to their love for human companionship.

The Boston Terrier is NOT a dog you put outside all day – they NEED to be with you. Furthermore, they cannot take hot or cold temperature extremes. They have an exceptionally difficult time in hot weather due to their brachycephalic heads.

Brindle Boston Terrier

The temperament and personality traits of Boston Terriers are as captivating and distinctive as their physical appearance. Their delightful personalities make them cherished companions, and their qualities are carefully detailed in breed standards, such as those established by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Boston Terriers are celebrated for their intelligence, friendliness, and affection, which collectively create a well-rounded and endearing breed.

Intelligence is a standout trait in Boston Terriers. These dogs are known for their quick-wittedness and problem-solving abilities. Their intelligence makes them highly trainable and adaptable, as they easily pick up new commands and tricks. Their sharp minds allow them to engage with their human companions on various levels, and they often exhibit a keen understanding of their owners’ emotions and intentions.

Temperament: The Boston Terrier is a friendly and lively dog. The breed has an excellent
disposition and a high degree of intelligence, which makes the Boston Terrier an incomparable

American Kennel Club

Friendliness is another key feature of Boston Terriers’ personalities. They are often described as friendly and sociable dogs that enjoy interacting with both their human family members and other pets. Their amiable nature extends to strangers, making them welcoming and approachable, which is a testament to their reputation as “people dogs.” Boston Terriers are typically enthusiastic about meeting new people, and they readily form bonds with those they encounter.

Affection is a hallmark of Boston Terriers. These dogs are known for their love of human companionship and their affectionate behavior. They often seek out physical closeness with their owners, whether it’s cuddling on the couch, sitting on laps, or following their family members from room to room. This affectionate nature makes them exceptional family pets and ideal therapy dogs, as they provide comfort and emotional support to those in need.

The Boston Terrier’s temperament is further emphasized by their gentle and amiable nature, characteristics often mentioned in breed standards. Their kind and easygoing demeanor contributes to their reputation as a great choice for families, singles, and seniors alike. They are also well-suited to various living environments, from apartments to larger homes.

In summary, the temperament and personality traits of Boston Terriers are an integral part of their appeal. Their intelligence, friendliness, and affection make them well-rounded and versatile companions. Their love for human companionship and their welcoming nature have earned them the endearing moniker of “people dogs.” These attributes combine to create a dog with a charming personality that not only complements their distinctive appearance but also makes them exceptional family pets and loyal friends.

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Breed Standards Movement and Gait:

The American Kennel Club breed guidelines also highlight the desired movement and gait for Boston Terriers. They should exhibit a free and effortless gait, with their front and rear legs moving in a straight line. Their movement should be coordinated, showing balance and purpose.

The movement and gait of Boston Terriers, as outlined in the American Kennel Club (AKC) breed guidelines, are vital components of the breed’s overall elegance and charm. The specified movement and gait underscore the Boston Terrier’s reputation as a well-coordinated and agile breed.

Boston Terriers are expected to exhibit a free and effortless gait, and this movement is crucial in defining their physical grace and mobility. Their gait should appear smooth, with a sense of ease and fluidity, as if they are gliding rather than straining. This relaxed and natural movement adds to their overall charm and serves as a testament to their athletic and agile nature.

The gait of the Boston Terrier is that of a sure-footed, straight gaited dog, forelegs and
hind legs moving straight ahead in line with perfect rhythm, each step indicating grace and
power. Gait Faults – There will be no rolling, paddling, or weaving, when gaited. Hackney gait.
Serious Gait Faults – Any crossing movement, either front or rear.

American Kennel Club

One of the key aspects of their gait is that their front and rear legs should move in a straight line. This straightness is an essential element of their balanced and well-coordinated movement. It not only contributes to their aesthetic appeal but also enhances their efficiency in movement, reinforcing their image as agile and athletic dogs.

The coordinated movement of Boston Terriers reflects their balance and purpose. When they move, it is with a sense of direction and intention. Their movements are deliberate and showcase their ability to control their body effectively. This coordinated and purposeful movement is a testament to their intelligence and adaptability, as they can adjust their gait to suit different situations and activities.

In essence, the movement and gait of Boston Terriers are integral to their overall image. Their free and effortless gait, straight-line leg movement, and balanced, purposeful strides contribute to their elegance and agility. These characteristics reflect their adaptability and athleticism, making them not only a visually striking breed but also a highly functional and capable one.

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Breeding and Conformation Shows:

AKC guidelines play a crucial role in breeding practices and conformation shows. Responsible breeders use the AKC standards as a guide when selecting breeding pairs to ensure the preservation of the Boston Terrier’s unique qualities. Conformation shows evaluate dogs based on how closely they adhere to the AKC’s standard, recognizing exceptional examples of the breed.

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Resources and Further Reading:

To further explore the guidelines set forth by the AKC for Boston Terriers, we recommend consulting reputable sources, including the American Kennel Club (AKC) website, breed-specific books, and breed clubs. Here are a few recommended resources to deepen your understanding:

Boston Terrier Bummy

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