General Information About Boston Terriers

Does My Boston Terrier Know I’m Sick? 3 Easy Ways to Tell

Does My Boston Terrier Know I'm Sick? 3 Easy Ways to Tell

Does My Boston Terrier Know I’m Sick? Understanding Canine Empathy

When we’re feeling under the weather, our beloved Boston Terrier often becomes our loyal companion, offering comfort and solace. Many Boston Terrier owners claim that their pups seem to possess a remarkable ability to detect when their human is sick. But is this just a product of our own perception, or do our canine companions genuinely have a heightened sense of empathy and understanding?

In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating question: “Does my Boston Terrier know I’m sick?” through the lens of anecdotal evidence, scientific studies, and interviews with Boston Terrier owners.

Boston Terrier Funny Face

How Can My Boston Terrier Really Know I’m Sick?

Dogs are known for their acute senses and perceptive abilities. They can pick up on subtle changes in our behavior, body language, and even scent. Several scientific studies have explored the extent of dogs’ ability to detect human health conditions, including sickness.

One avenue of understanding is through the remarkable olfactory sense of dogs. Dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell, allowing them to detect changes in our body odor and potentially identify chemical changes associated with illness. For example, some studies suggest that dogs can detect specific scents associated with certain diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Research published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science demonstrated that dogs can indeed sense when a person is stressed. The study found that dogs displayed more signs of stress, such as licking and yawning, when their owners exhibited signs of stress.

Anecdotal Evidence: Stories from Boston Terrier Owners

To explore this topic further, we spoke with several Boston Terrier owners who shared their experiences of their dogs seemingly knowing when they were sick.

Sarah, a Boston Terrier owner, shares her story:

“My Boston Terrier, Buddy, always seems to know when I’m sick. There have been a few occasions when I had a migraine, and Buddy would curl up next to me, staying close and offering a gentle nuzzle. It’s as if he can sense my discomfort and wants to provide comfort. It’s truly heartwarming.”

John, another Boston Terrier owner, recounts his experience

“I have a severe case of the flu once, and my Boston Terrier, Daisy, acts differently than usual. She would stay by my side the whole time, often resting her head on my lap or snuggling up to me. Daisy is more tuned into my needs, and it is evident she knows I’m sick.”

These personal anecdotes reflect the strong bond and intuitive understanding that Boston Terriers can have with their owners.

Boston terrier dog on brown terrace looking at camera

The Science Behind Canine Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. While it’s challenging to measure empathy in animals definitively, observational studies suggest that dogs indeed possess a form of empathy towards their human companions.

Research published in the journal Animal Cognition found that dogs are more likely to approach a person who is crying compared to someone who is humming or talking. This behavior indicates an ability to recognize and respond to human emotional states.

Furthermore, a study conducted by the University of Vienna, published in the journal Animal Behavior, demonstrated that dogs display contagious yawning, a phenomenon linked to empathy. When a person yawns, dogs often yawn in response, suggesting an ability to understand and mirror human behaviors.

Understanding Your Boston Terrier’s Behavior

Understanding your Boston Terrier’s behavior is key to recognizing whether they know you’re sick. Here are some common signs that your Boston Terrier might know you’re sick:

1. Increased Attention: If your Boston Terrier suddenly becomes more attentive, follows you around, or stays close by when you’re sick, it could be a sign that they sense something is amiss. Increased attention from your Boston Terrier when you’re not feeling well is a testament to the strong bond between you and your pup. Dogs are incredibly perceptive when it comes to changes in their owner’s behavior or health.

They have an acute sense of smell and can detect subtle changes in your scent, which can signal to them that something is wrong. Additionally, dogs are highly empathetic creatures, and when they notice you’re unwell, their natural instinct is to provide comfort and support.

This increased attention might manifest as your Boston Terrier staying close, gently nudging you, or offering their comforting presence. It’s a heartwarming display of their affection and concern for your well-being, and it’s a testament to the special connection you share. So, when your Boston Terrier becomes more attentive during your illness, cherish these moments as a reflection of their love and loyalty.

2. Gentle and Comforting Behavior: Dogs may display gentle and comforting behaviors like snuggling, licking, or nuzzling when they sense their owner is unwell. This behavior is an attempt to offer comfort and support.

When your Boston Terrier exhibits gentle and comforting behaviors in response to your illness, it’s a remarkable demonstration of their empathy and the strong bond you share. Dogs are incredibly intuitive and can pick up on your distress, whether it’s due to an illness or any other emotional upset. They respond with affectionate gestures like snuggling, licking, or nuzzling to soothe and provide comfort.

This behavior is their way of saying, “I’m here for you.” Dogs have a remarkable ability to understand human emotions, and during times of illness, they step into the role of a loyal companion and caregiver. Their actions can be not only comforting, but also incredibly reassuring, making your road to recovery a bit smoother and less lonely. So, when your Boston Terrier displays these tender gestures, embrace them as tokens of love and support from your faithful friend.

3. Altered Routine: If your Boston Terrier deviates from their regular routine to stay with you or checks on you more frequently, it could indicate their awareness of your condition. When your Boston Terrier departs from their typical routine to be with you or keeps a closer watch over your well-being, it’s a clear sign of their acute awareness and concern.

Dogs thrive on routines, so any deviation from their usual schedule indicates that they are prioritizing your needs. They may follow you from room to room, ensure you’re comfortable, or just spend more time by your side. This altered routine reflects their innate ability to recognize changes in your condition.

It’s as if they’re saying, “I’m here for you, and I’ll adapt my schedule to be your faithful companion through your time of need.” This altered routine is a heartfelt display of their loyalty and the deep connection you share, making them not just a pet but a true source of solace and support during challenging times.

Boston Terrier looking up

The Bond Between Humans and Boston Terriers

The bond between humans and their Boston Terriers is a special and unique relationship. My Boston Terrier (and two other dogs) are so in tune with me daily, it’s no wonder when they know I’m sick. These adorable and affectionate dogs often develop a deep understanding of their owners’ moods, routines, and behaviors. It’s this close bond that can enable them to pick up on changes, even subtle ones like when they know I’m sick.

While scientific research continues to uncover more about the depths of canine understanding and empathy. Personal experiences and anecdotes from Boston Terrier owners strongly suggest that these delightful dogs possess a remarkable ability to sense when their human companions are in need of comfort and care. If you’d like to learn more about the bond between humans and Boston Terriers, click here.


In conclusion, the question “Does my Boston Terrier know when I’m sick?” may not have a definitive scientific answer yet, but the heartfelt experiences of dog owners, and my own observations — with living proof, that my Boston Terrier knows I’m sick, affirms the strong connection and intuitive understanding that dogs, including Boston Terriers, often have with their human counterparts.

So, the next time your Boston Terrier offers you extra cuddles, or stays close when you’re not feeling well, know that it’s likely a display of their empathy and love for you.

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