Care and Feeding of Boston Terriers General Information About Boston Terriers

Heart Murmurs in Boston Terriers – Causes, Grading, Symptoms: 10 Ways to Help

Heart Murmurs in Boston Terriers - Causes, Grading, Symptoms: 10 Ways to Help


Boston Terriers, popularly known for their friendly and affectionate nature, are susceptible to heart murmurs, a condition where abnormal sounds are heard during a heartbeat cycle. Heart murmurs in Boston Terriers, like in many other dog breeds, can vary in severity and can be caused by a variety of factors. Click here if you’d like to read more on Common Boston Terrier genetic issues.

What is a Heart Murmur in Boston Terriers, and What Causes it?

A heart murmur in Boston Terriers, like in any other dog breed, is an abnormal sound heard during the cardiac cycle, typically using a stethoscope. It’s a whooshing or swishing sound that occurs during the heartbeat and is often related to the flow of blood through the heart or blood vessels.

Heart murmurs are graded on a scale from 1 to 6, with 1 being the mildest and 6 being the most severe. The grading helps in assessing the intensity and characteristics of the murmur.

The causes of heart murmur in Boston Terriers can vary and may include:

  1. Congenital heart defects: Some Boston Terriers may be born with structural abnormalities in their heart, such as defective heart valves or abnormal heart chambers, which can cause turbulence in blood flow and result in a heart murmur.
  2. Valvular insufficiency: This occurs when the heart valves do not close properly, causing blood to leak back into the heart chambers. It can be a result of aging, wear and tear on the valves, or other underlying health conditions.
  3. Heart disease: Various heart conditions, such as dilated cardiomyopathy or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, can lead to heart murmurs in Boston Terriers. These conditions affect the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively and can cause turbulence in blood flow.
  4. Anemia: Low red blood cell count or anemia can cause the heart to pump harder to compensate for the reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, resulting in a heart murmur.
  5. High blood pressure (hypertension): Elevated blood pressure can lead to increased turbulence in blood flow through the heart and cause a heart murmur.
  6. Infections or inflammation: Infections of the heart valves or surrounding tissues can cause changes in blood flow and result in a heart murmur.
  7. Thyroid problems: Thyroid imbalances can affect the heart and its function, potentially leading to heart murmurs.

It’s essential for Boston Terrier owners to have regular veterinary check-ups, especially as they age, to detect and monitor any heart murmurs. Treatment will vary based on the underlying cause and severity of the murmur, ranging from lifestyle adjustments and medication to more invasive interventions like surgery, depending on the specific situation. Always consult a veterinarian for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.

Are Boston Terriers Susceptible to Heart Murmurs?

Yes, Boston Terriers can be susceptible to heart murmurs. A heart murmur is an abnormal sound heard during a heartbeat, caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart. In Boston Terriers, as in other breeds, heart murmurs can occur due to various factors such as congenital heart defects, heart valve issues, age-related changes, or acquired heart conditions.

The susceptibility to heart murmurs varies from dog to dog, and it’s influenced by genetic factors, overall health, and lifestyle. Some Boston Terriers may have a predisposition to develop heart murmurs due to their genetic makeup or underlying health conditions.

Portrait of an adorable Boston Terrier

Is It Common for Boston Terriers to Have Heart Murmurs? How Are Heart Murmurs Graded? What Is the Life Expectancy for Each Grade?

Heart murmurs are relatively common in Boston Terriers, particularly in older dogs. Heart murmurs are graded on a scale of I to VI, with I being the mildest and VI being the most severe. The grading helps veterinarians determine the intensity and potential impact of the heart murmur.

Grade I: Barely audible and usually not associated with health problems. Life expectancy is usually normal.

Grade II: Soft but easily heard with a stethoscope. Life expectancy is usually normal, and the dog can live a healthy life with appropriate care and monitoring.

Grade III: Moderately loud murmur. Some dogs may develop symptoms, and life expectancy might be slightly reduced, but with appropriate management, a good quality of life is possible.

Grade IV: Loud murmur with a palpable thrill. It indicates significant blood flow turbulence. Dogs may show symptoms, and life expectancy may be affected, necessitating close monitoring and appropriate treatment.

Grade V: Very loud murmur audible without a stethoscope. Dogs often have noticeable symptoms, and their life expectancy may be significantly reduced without proper management and treatment.

Grade VI: The loudest murmur, often associated with severe heart disease. Dogs with a grade VI murmur require immediate veterinary attention, and their life expectancy is markedly reduced.

Portrait of a cute Boston Terrier in a blossom countryside

Can Anxiety Cause Heart Murmurs in Dogs?

Anxiety itself does not directly cause heart murmurs. However, stress and anxiety can exacerbate existing heart conditions or cause the heart to beat irregularly. Stress may lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, potentially making a heart murmur more noticeable during a veterinary examination. It’s important to manage a dog’s anxiety and provide a calm environment, especially if they have a known heart condition.

What Are the Symptoms of a Heart Murmur in a Dog?

The symptoms of a heart murmur in a Boston Terrier can vary based on the murmur’s grade and underlying cause. Common symptoms may include:

Coughing, especially at night or after exercise.

In addition to coughing, a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur might display signs of exercise intolerance, where they struggle to keep up during physical activities or become fatigued more quickly than usual.

Some dogs may experience shortness of breath or labored breathing, especially during exertion. Other potential symptoms could encompass a reduced appetite, weight loss, or even fainting episodes, which may indicate severe cases of heart murmurs.

It’s important for pet owners to monitor their Boston Terrier closely and seek prompt veterinary care if any concerning symptoms manifest, as early detection and management of heart murmurs can significantly improve the dog’s quality of life and prognosis. Regular check-ups and consultations with a veterinarian are crucial in managing and addressing potential cardiac issues in Boston Terriers.

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.

In addition to difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, other symptoms that can manifest in a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur depend on the severity or grade of the murmur as well as the underlying cause. Mild heart murmurs may not present noticeable symptoms, especially in the early stages.

However, as the murmur progresses in grade or if there’s an associated heart condition, symptoms can escalate to include fatigue, weakness, reduced exercise tolerance, coughing, a persistent hacking cough (especially at night), increased respiratory rate, fainting episodes, and potentially abdominal distension due to fluid retention.

Regular veterinary check-ups and monitoring are crucial for early detection and appropriate management of heart murmurs in Boston Terriers.

Fatigue and reduced exercise tolerance

In addition to fatigue and reduced exercise tolerance, other symptoms associated with a heart murmur in a Boston Terrier may include shortness of breath, coughing, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, restlessness, and even fainting episodes.

The severity and manifestation of these symptoms typically correlate with the grade of the murmur and the overall health of the dog. It’s important for pet owners to monitor their Boston Terrier closely for any changes in behavior, appetite, or activity levels and to promptly consult a veterinarian if they observe concerning signs or suspect their dog may have a heart murmur. Early detection and appropriate medical management are crucial in ensuring the best possible quality of life for dogs with heart murmurs.

Fainting or collapsing episodes

In addition to fainting or collapsing episodes, other potential symptoms of a heart murmur in a Boston Terrier can encompass lethargy, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent coughing, exercise intolerance, and a bluish tint to the gums or tongue due to inadequate oxygenation.

These signs often reflect the strain on the heart as it struggles to pump blood effectively. The severity and progression of the murmur may influence the intensity and manifestation of these symptoms. Regular veterinary check-ups, appropriate diagnostic tests, and a tailored treatment plan can greatly assist in managing the condition and improving the quality of life for the affected Boston Terrier. Early detection and intervention are crucial in providing the best possible care and outcomes for dogs with heart murmurs.

Abdominal swelling due to fluid accumulation

In addition to abdominal swelling due to fluid accumulation, Boston Terriers with a heart murmur may display signs such as lethargy, exercise intolerance, coughing, difficulty breathing, and a decreased appetite. The severity of these symptoms often corresponds to the grade of the murmur, with higher-grade murmurs potentially leading to more pronounced clinical signs.

It’s important for owners to monitor their Boston Terrier closely for any unusual behaviors or physical changes, and promptly consult a veterinarian for a thorough evaluation and appropriate management. Regular check-ups and early intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur.

Restlessness or difficulty sleeping

Additionally, a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur might exhibit increased fatigue, decreased exercise tolerance, and a reluctance to engage in physical activities. As the murmur’s grade increases or if it’s associated with a more severe underlying heart condition, the dog may display signs of coughing, labored breathing, or even episodes of fainting.

Monitoring the dog’s overall behavior, respiratory rate, and exercise capacity, in consultation with a veterinarian, can aid in evaluating the severity of the murmur and determining appropriate treatment and management strategies for the canine companion.

Bluish discoloration of the gums or tongue

In addition to bluish discoloration of the gums or tongue, a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur might also exhibit signs of fatigue or reduced stamina during physical activity. The murmur’s grade and origin will influence the severity of these symptoms.

Mild heart murmurs may manifest with only subtle signs of discomfort, while more severe murmurs can lead to increased respiratory rates, persistent coughing, or even episodes of fainting.

Regular veterinary check-ups and monitoring are crucial to assess the murmur’s progression, determine appropriate treatment plans, and maintain the overall well-being of the Boston Terrier affected by this condition.

Boston Terrier being examined by Veterinarian

10 Essential Things You Should Do for a Boston Terrier With a Heart Murmur

When a Boston Terrier is diagnosed with a heart murmur, appropriate management and care are crucial to ensure the best quality of life possible. Here are some steps to take:

1.Regular Veterinary Check-ups:

Schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian to monitor the heart murmur’s progression and adjust the treatment plan accordingly. In addition to regular veterinary check-ups, another crucial aspect in caring for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur is maintaining a tailored and well-monitored treatment plan.

This involves administering prescribed medications, adhering to dietary recommendations, and providing adequate exercise while keeping physical exertion within appropriate limits. Monitoring the dog’s weight and ensuring a healthy body condition is essential, as excess weight can strain the heart further.

Moreover, creating a calm and stress-free environment for the Boston Terrier is vital to manage their condition effectively. Regular communication with the veterinarian to discuss any changes in the dog’s behavior, appetite, or activity levels is key to promptly address any concerns and maintain the best possible quality of life for the beloved pet.

2. Medication and Treatment:

Depending on the grade and underlying cause of the murmur, medication may be prescribed to manage symptoms, improve heart function, or control blood pressure. In addition to medication and treatment, maintaining a careful and consistent monitoring routine is crucial for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur.

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian, often recommended every few months, will help track the progression of the heart murmur and adjust medication accordingly. Monitoring should include thorough physical examinations, blood pressure measurements, and periodic echocardiograms to evaluate the heart’s structure and function.

Diet and exercise management are equally essential, with a tailored, heart-healthy diet and appropriate levels of exercise to prevent unnecessary strain on the heart. Creating a calm and stress-free environment for the Boston Terrier, minimizing exposure to extreme temperatures, and providing ample love and attention are also vital aspects of their care to enhance their overall quality of life.

In addition to medication and treatment, maintaining a careful and consistent monitoring routine is crucial for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian, often recommended every few months, will help track the progression of the heart murmur and adjust medication accordingly.

Monitoring should include thorough physical examinations, blood pressure measurements, and periodic echocardiograms to evaluate the heart’s structure and function. Diet and exercise management are equally essential, with a tailored, heart-healthy diet and appropriate levels of exercise to prevent unnecessary strain on the heart. Creating a calm and stress-free environment for the Boston Terrier, minimizing exposure to extreme temperatures, and providing ample love and attention are also vital aspects of their care to enhance their overall quality of life.

3. Stress Reduction:

Create a calm and stress-free environment to minimize anxiety, as stress can exacerbate heart conditions. In addition to creating a serene and stress-free setting for your Boston Terrier, it’s crucial to establish a consistent routine that includes gentle exercise and playtime.

Regular, low-impact physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight and supports overall cardiovascular health while preventing excess strain on the heart.

Equally important is maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, tailored to their specific needs, to ensure their heart is receiving essential nutrients without overtaxing their system. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian specializing in cardiology should be scheduled to monitor the heart murmur and adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

Medications prescribed by the veterinarian should be administered on time and as directed, aiding in managing the condition effectively. Lastly, shower your Boston Terrier with love, attention, and patience, as a comforting and affectionate environment positively impacts their mental and emotional well-being, ultimately contributing to their overall heart health.

4. Follow Vet Recommendations:

Adhere to the veterinarian’s recommendations regarding medication, lifestyle adjustments, and regular monitoring. In addition to following your veterinarian’s guidance, it’s crucial to maintain a vigilant eye on your Boston Terrier’s overall health.

Regular check-ups and consultations with the vet are paramount for monitoring the progression of the heart murmur and adjusting treatment accordingly. Ensure a balanced and low-stress lifestyle for your furry companion, with appropriate exercise and a heart-healthy diet.

Keep an eye on your Boston Terrier’s weight, as excess weight can worsen heart issues. Minimize exposure to extreme temperatures and avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Consistent love, care, and a nurturing environment can go a long way in providing the best quality of life for your Boston Terrier dealing with a heart murmur.

5. Home Monitoring:

Learn how to monitor your dog’s vital signs at home, such as heart rate and breathing rate, to keep track of any changes. Home monitoring is a crucial aspect of caring for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur. It empowers you to actively engage in your pet’s well-being and promptly identify any deviations from their baseline vital signs.

Regularly monitoring your dog’s heart rate and breathing rate allows you to establish a normal range and recognize abnormal patterns or sudden spikes, which could signal distress or deterioration in their cardiac health. Consistent monitoring enables timely communication with your veterinarian and facilitates informed decisions regarding medication adjustments or other necessary interventions.

Additionally, being attuned to these vital signs creates a stronger bond with your beloved Boston Terrier, promoting a heightened sense of care and attentiveness to their health and happiness.

6. Emergency Plan:

Develop a plan for emergencies, including knowing the nearest veterinary emergency clinic and understanding when to seek immediate help. In addition to understanding the nearest veterinary emergency clinic and knowing when to seek immediate help, developing a comprehensive emergency plan for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur involves anticipating potential health crises and preparing accordingly.

This plan should include keeping a readily accessible folder or digital document detailing your dog’s medical history, medications, dosage instructions, and any relevant diagnostic tests. It’s essential to share this information with family members or pet sitters to ensure seamless care during emergencies.

Moreover, familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures tailored to your Boston Terrier’s condition, such as CPR techniques, and keep emergency contact numbers, including those of your regular veterinarian and any specialists involved in your dog’s care. Prompt action and preparedness can be lifesaving for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur in critical situations.

7. Regular Grooming and Hygiene:

Maintain good hygiene and grooming practices to prevent infections and skin issues that can stress your dog’s heart. Regular grooming and hygiene for a Boston Terrier with a heart murmur is paramount to their overall well-being and heart health.

Consistent grooming not only keeps their coat clean and free of irritants but also helps in monitoring any unusual changes in their skin or fur that could indicate an underlying health issue.

Maintaining proper hygiene reduces the risk of infections, which could exacerbate the stress on the heart caused by the murmur. Additionally, routine grooming allows for a thorough examination of the dog’s overall health, enabling early detection of any signs or symptoms that may need prompt medical attention, ultimately contributing to a higher quality of life for the Boston Terrier.

8. Educate Yourself:

Educate yourself about heart murmurs, their management, and potential complications to make informed decisions for your Boston Terrier’s care. You are here, so you are off to a great start!

Educating yourself about heart murmurs in Boston Terriers is the cornerstone of responsible and effective caregiving. Understanding the intricacies of heart murmurs, their varying severities, and potential impacts on your pet’s health empowers you to actively participate in their treatment plan.

Stay informed about available medical treatments, lifestyle adjustments, and dietary considerations that can enhance your Boston Terrier’s quality of life.

By being well-versed in the condition, you can work closely with your veterinarian to tailor a comprehensive care strategy that addresses the unique needs of your furry companion. Knowledge equips you to recognize early signs of distress, monitor your dog’s well-being, and advocate for appropriate interventions, ultimately ensuring your Boston Terrier receives the best possible care and attention.

9. Love and Comfort:

Provide love, attention, and comfort to your Boston Terrier to ensure their emotional well-being and enhance their overall quality of life. Love and comfort are paramount for a Boston Terrier coping with a heart murmur.

Consistent affection, gentle handling, and spending quality time with your precious Boston can alleviate their anxiety and create a positive environment. Regular cuddles, soothing massages, and soft-spoken words can reassure and calm their nervousness.

10. Engage in activities that your Boston Terrier enjoys

Tailoring them to their energy levels and physical abilities. Additionally, maintaining a tranquil living space and minimizing stressors will contribute to their emotional health, ultimately promoting a sense of security and happiness as they navigate the challenges associated with a heart murmur. Your love and support will make a significant difference in their well-being and overall quality of life.


In conclusion, understanding heart murmurs in Boston Terriers is essential for providing the best possible care and ensuring a good quality of life for these beloved pets. Regular veterinary monitoring, appropriate treatment, and a loving environment can significantly improve the prognosis and life expectancy of Boston Terriers with heart murmurs.

Boston Terrier Bummy

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