Care and Feeding of Boston Terriers General Information About Boston Terriers Training Boston Terriers

10 Tips: Best Ways to House Train an Older Boston Terrier

10 Tips: How to House Train an Older Boston Terrier


Bringing an older Boston Terrier into your home can be a rewarding experience. These charming and affectionate dogs make wonderful companions. However, one common challenge many new owners face is how best to house train an older Boston Terrier.

While potty training a puppy is a well-documented process, considering best way to house train an older Boston Terrier requires a different approach. In this article, we’ll explore the distinctive challenges of how to house train an older Boston Terrier and provide you with valuable tips to make the process smoother.

Note: This article is written in reference to challenges that can come with potty training an adult Boston Terrier with no known medical issues. If your dog has known medical issues, then the tips stated here may not apply.

Older Boston Terrier on Couch

When I brought my Boston Terrier, Nella home, I did it knowing she had been in a back yard her whole life and was NOT allowed to come in the house (sad – still breaks my heart when I think of the loneliness and isolation she must have endured.) She would cower and look up at me just to see if it was ok for her to cross the threshold!

Of course, she had no idea that it was a no-no to potty in the house – and I never had to house train an older Boston Terrier, as they all knew how to when I got them.

I’ve had Nella a little over 6 months now and with patience and some talking to, she “seems” to get it, however, I can’t give myself too much credit as she still has accidents once in awhile – and it’s always MY fault – usually because I missed a signal that Nella was trying to broadcast towards me, like not noticing her waiting by the back door.

I learned her “potty schedule” and as long as I stick to that, it’s (mostly) smooth sailing! To her credit, she usually only pees about a tablespoon’s worth and luckily always on tile and not carpet (so far). Whew!

But, how do you house train an older Boston Terrier who was severely neglected and was never potty trained?

How to House Train an Older Boston Terrier and Challenges It May Present

Unlike puppies, older dogs have established routines and behaviors that may be deeply ingrained. They might have developed habits that need to be changed, that make how to house train an older Boston Terrier a more complex process . Here are some key distinctions between house training a puppy and when you house train and older Boston Terrier:

  1. Established Habits: Older dogs often come with established habits, which may include going potty indoors. Breaking these habits can be challenging.
  2. Physical Health: Senior dogs may have health issues that affect their bladder control, making it necessary to differentiate between behavioral and medical issues.
  3. Patience and Understanding: Older dogs might not learn as quickly as puppies, so patience and consistency are crucial.
  4. Boston Terriers thrive on positive re-enforcement. Never yell, or spank your Boston. They are very good at reading your facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. They have a natural desire to please you – in fact, it’s almost their life’s mission to make you happy! Don’t hurt their precious little hearts with harsh, loud words. It will be a huge setback to establish all that trust, just to have it broken again that way. Trust me.
Boston terrier dog on brown terrace looking at camera

10 Tips: How to House Train an Older Boston Terrier

Now, let’s talk about some actionable tips to help you successfully house train an older Boston Terrier:

1. Visit the Vet:

Before you begin the house training process, it’s essential to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Take your Boston Terrier to the vet for a thorough checkup to ensure there are no health issues affecting their bladder control.

2. Create a Routine:

Establishing a consistent routine is essential to house train an older Boston Terrier. Take your Boston out for bathroom breaks at the same times each day, including after meals, playtime, and before bedtime.

3. Choose a Designated Spot:

Select a specific area outside where you want your Boston Terrier to relieve themselves. Consistently taking them to this spot will help reinforce the idea that this is where they should go.

4. Positive Reinforcement:

Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your Boston Terrier when they go potty in the designated spot. Treats, praise, and affection can motivate them to repeat the behavior.

5. Supervise and Crate Train:

Keep a close eye on your Boston Terrier when they are indoors to prevent accidents. If you can’t watch them, use crate training. Dogs are less likely to eliminate in their crate, as it mimics their den instincts.

6. Learn Their Signals:

Observe your Boston Terrier for signs that they need to go, such as sniffing, circling, or whining. When you notice these signals, immediately take them outside to the designated spot.

7. Clean Up Accidents Promptly:

Accidents will happen during the house training process. When they do, clean them up promptly using enzymatic cleaners that remove odors. This discourages your dog from returning to the same spot.

8. Be Patient:

Remember that older dogs might take longer to learn new habits than puppies. Be patient and avoid punishment for accidents, as this can be counterproductive.

9. Adjust Diet and Water Intake:

Manage your Boston Terrier’s diet and water intake to minimize accidents. Feeding on a schedule can help you predict when they’ll need to go out.

10. Seek Professional Help:

If you’re struggling with how best to house train an older Boston Terrier, consider enlisting the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

Mature Boston Terrier laying on bed

Challenges to House Training an Older Boston Terrier

As you house train an older Boston Terrier, it can be challenging due to several factors, including:

1. Established Habits: Older dogs often have ingrained habits that are hard to break. They may have learned to relieve themselves indoors, and unlearning this behavior can take time and patience.

2. Health Issues: Senior Boston Terriers may experience health problems that affect their bladder control, such as urinary incontinence. Distinguishing between behavioral and medical causes of accidents is essential.

3. Limited Learning Speed: Older dogs may not learn as quickly as puppies. Their cognitive abilities may decline with age, making it harder for them to grasp new concepts.

4. Past Trauma: If your older Boston Terrier has had negative experiences related to house training, they may be more anxious or resistant to the process.

Products That Help You House Train an Older Boston Terrier

Ok, obviously we all know about pee pads to house train an older Boston Terrier, but what about some things that are a bit more innovative when considering how you’ll house train an older dog? That makes the job a little easier for both you and your pup when deciding how best to house train an older Boston Terrier? Let’s explore…….

Hompet Artificial Grass for Indoor Dog Potty Training Can be used indoors and gradually moved outside for housebreaking.

🌿 Three-Layer System: Our dog grass pad features a three-layer design for optimal performance. The top layer comprises natural dog potty grass, while the inclined bottom tray accelerates urine flow. Urine is then efficiently collected through 56 drainage holes and directed to the bottom drawer. Plus, our upgraded pee baffle guides your pets to urinate correctly, preventing splashes and maintaining a clean environment.

🌊 Super-Efficient Drainage: With 56 densely placed drainage holes, our system ensures high drainage efficiency and rapid urine flow. Say goodbye to indoor odors as our design effectively controls unpleasant smells, unlike products with widely spaced or no drainage holes that allow urine to linger.

Artificial Grass dog Potty Training Housebreaking

🌟 Unique Hemming Grass Mat: Our newly designed Hemming Grass Mat solves common issues like edge shedding, cracks, and dross. Worried about your pets accidentally ingesting fallen fake grass? Rest easy knowing our mat is safe. Hompet’s dog litter box is crafted from high-grade UV-resistant polyethylene and polypropylene yarns, ensuring durability even under direct sunlight and constant exposure to dog urine.

🌱 Eco-Friendly with Replacement Turf Mats: We care about the environment and your convenience. Our package includes 2 replacement fake grass mats, making pet training effective and reducing waste from disposable alternatives. Let your pets experience nature’s touch from the comfort of your home.

🏡 Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Use: Our dog grass pad is versatile and suitable for various situations. Whether your pet can’t go outside due to illness or bad weather, or you’re training a puppy, small, medium-sized, disabled, or elderly dog, Hompet’s system is perfect. It’s ideal for use in apartments, terraces, porches, balconies, and for owners committed to toilet training their pets.

Go Here! Puppy Potty Training Spray

Enhance Pet Training with Mark the Spot – Go Here! Attractant Spray

Discover the secret to stress-free when you house train an older Boston Terrier with our natural formula that encourages pets to urinate where you want them to. Our enticing extract triggers your dog’s natural potty response.

🐾 Safe & Effective: Proven to be safe for pets, furniture, and plants, our attractant spray can be used both indoors and outdoors. Test a small amount on a hidden surface to check for colorfastness.

🐶 Training Aid: BrilliantPad’s “Go Here!” Attractant Spray is a valuable tool for puppy and dog training. Pair it with our “TidyShot” enzymatic cleaning spray for a successful potty training experience.

🕒 Long-Lasting: A little goes a long way with our 4-ounce spray, designed to outlast even the most stubborn dogs. It’s a practical alternative to other training aids.

Go Here Potty Training Spray

Mighty Paw Smart Bell Potty Training Aid

Experience a game-changing system as you house train an older Boston Terrier with this interactive and fun smart door bell for both you and your Boston. The Smart Bell is the ultimate tool for dog training, especially for outdoor potty breaks. It’s the future of potty training!

🔔 No More Scratching, Whining, or Barking: Bid farewell to the frustration of deciphering your pup’s needs. The Smart Bell provides an easy communication channel for your dog’s potty requirements, saving your sanity and your door trim. Plus, it’s an impressive conversation starter with your friends!

⏱️ Quick and Tool-Free Setup: You don’t need any special skills or tools to get started; it’s as easy as 1-2-3! Our wireless design allows you to place it anywhere in your home effortlessly.

🏡 Indoor and Outdoor Versatility: Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, our Smart Bell is water-resistant. Not only can you train your dog when they need to go out, but you can also teach them when it’s time to come back in.

🐾 Suitable for All Sizes and Ages: We’ve made it super easy for dogs of all sizes and ages to use. With just 0.75 lbs of pressure needed to ring the bell, your dog will become a pro in no time.

Wireless Electronic Dog Bell for Door Potty Training


The process to house train an older dog may be challenging, but with the right approach, patience, and consistency, it’s entirely possible to achieve success. Remember to consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues, establish a routine, use positive reinforcement, and be prepared for occasional setbacks.

The bond you’ll build when you house train an older Boston Terrier during this process is well worth the effort. By following these tips and understanding the challenges, you can help your older dog adapt to their new home and enjoy a clean, happy living environment for both of you.

If you’re struggling on how best to house train your older Boston Terrier, don’t give up. With the right guidance and support, you can overcome the challenges and create a loving and clean home for your beloved Boston…..and remember – you CAN teach an old(er) dog new tricks, especially if it’s a Boston Terrier!

Boston Terrier Bummy

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