General Information About Boston Terriers Training Boston Terriers

Stubbornness Vs. Independence in Boston Terriers: 3 Common Misconceptions Exposed

Stubbornness Vs. Independence in Boston Terriers: 3 Common Misconceptions Exposed

When it comes to dog breeds, the Boston Terrier stands out not only for its adorableness, but also for its distinctive personality traits. While they are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and affectionate nature, Boston Terriers can sometimes exhibit an unexpected trait—stubbornness. Understanding the balance between their independence and stubborn streak is crucial for anyone considering adopting or already living with these spirited dogs. If you’d like to read more on Boston Terrier training issues, click here.

Before I got her, my Bostie, Nella lived the first 3 years of her life outside in a backyard. She was not allowed in the house, so I don’t think she had a lot of human interaction, as she was alone for much of the day. To say she is independent might be an understatement!

It’s ok, though. I understand. My little one is the right, no – perfect mix of sugar and “spice”. I’m sure she had to do a lot on her own to entertain herself. Her independence is both a blessing and a “curse.”

In this article, we’ll do a deep dive, exploring the complexities of stubbornness and independence in Boston Terriers, helping you appreciate the unique charms of this beloved breed.

Boston Terriers: A Quick Overview

Before diving into the intriguing topic of Boston Terrier stubbornness, it’s essential to get to know the breed. Boston Terriers, often referred to as “American Gentlemen” due to their tuxedo-like coat, are a small breed known for their friendly, affectionate, and lively nature. They were originally bred in the late 19th century in Boston, Massachusetts, a crossbreed between the now-extinct White English Terrier and the Bulldog. These dogs are highly adaptable, making them a fantastic choice for various living situations, from apartments to suburban homes.

The Stubbornness Streak: What Makes Boston Terriers So Persistent

One of the unique characteristics of Boston Terriers is their stubborn streak, which can sometimes leave owners both baffled and entertained. While this stubbornness is not uncommon among terrier breeds, Boston Terriers have their brand of independence, making them an intriguing breed to understand.

Strong-Willed Personalities:

Boston Terriers often exhibit strong-willed and determined personalities. They tend to do things their way, which can be both endearing and frustrating for their owners. This determination is rooted in their history as tenacious, fearless rat hunters.

  1. Historical Tenacity: Boston Terriers have a lineage rooted in the tenacious work of their ancestors. Their forebears were bred in the late 19th century from a combination of the now-extinct White English Terrier and the Bulldog. This selective breeding aimed to create a breed of dog that possessed the courage and tenacity needed for one of their primary roles—ratting. Boston Terriers were expert rat hunters, a task that required unwavering determination and a “never give up” attitude.
  2. Fearless Workers: The Boston Terrier’s strong-willed disposition was a necessity during their days as working dogs. When tasked with hunting and eradicating rats, they needed the courage to confront these pests in various environments, including dark alleys, basements, and cellars. Their persistence in the face of adversity and the relentless pursuit of their prey made them invaluable working dogs.
  3. Independence and Problem Solving: Beyond their role as rat hunters, Boston Terriers often had to rely on their independence and problem-solving skills. These traits allowed them to adapt to various scenarios and address unforeseen challenges efficiently. This history of independence contributes to their strong-willed nature, as they have always been accustomed to making decisions and taking initiative.
  4. Lively Spirit: Even though their role as rat hunters has evolved over the years, the lively spirit and determination of Boston Terriers remain a fundamental part of their personality. They might not be hunting rats today, but this spirited disposition shines through in various aspects of their lives, including playtime and daily interactions with their human families.
  5. Selective Persistence: Boston Terriers’ strong-willed personalities often manifest in a selective manner. They can be determined when it comes to certain activities or preferences, such as a favorite game or a particular path during a walk. Owners might notice their Boston Terrier insisting on things being done their way, demonstrating an endearing sense of independence.
  6. Baffling and Entertaining: This blend of tenacity and independence can sometimes baffle and entertain their owners. While they may be firm in their choices, Boston Terriers’ charming personalities and unique quirks often result in humorous or heartwarming situations that endear them even more to those who share their lives.

In summary, Boston Terriers’ strong-willed personalities are deeply rooted in their history as tenacious rat hunters. This historical tenacity has shaped their determination and self-reliance, making them spirited and independent companions today. While their selective persistence can occasionally lead to moments of stubbornness, it’s these very traits that contribute to their undeniable charm and make them such beloved pets. Understanding their background and disposition is essential in fostering a deep and rewarding connection with these “American Gentlemen” of the canine world.

Boston Terrier looking up at camera

Selective Hearing:

Boston Terriers can sometimes display selective hearing. When called or given a command, they may choose whether to respond or not. This trait can lead to moments of apparent stubbornness when they ignore their owner’s wishes.

Selective hearing is a distinctive trait often observed in Boston Terriers, which can be both amusing and challenging for their owners. This behavior, rooted in their strong-willed and independent nature, reflects their ability to choose when to respond to commands or calls, resulting in moments that may appear stubborn or indifferent. Here’s a closer look at this intriguing aspect of their personalities:

  1. Independent Decision-Making: Boston Terriers, with their strong-willed disposition, tend to approach commands and calls with a sense of independence. They are discerning dogs who evaluate the situation before deciding whether to respond. This selective hearing can be a result of their critical thinking skills and their instinct to make choices that align with their interests or preferences.
  2. Prioritizing Interests: Boston Terriers are known for their lively and spirited nature. They have their own set of priorities, which may involve playtime, exploring their environment, or simply following their curiosity. When they are deeply engrossed in one of these activities, they may “select” to not hear their owner’s calls or commands, prioritizing their current interests.
  3. Playful Disposition: These “American Gentlemen” possess a playful and mischievous streak that is especially evident during their early years. When engaged in play or when something piques their interest, they can become so engrossed in the moment that they appear to turn a deaf ear to their owner’s calls. This isn’t necessarily a sign of defiance but rather a testament to their enthusiastic approach to life.
  4. Training Challenges: The selective hearing exhibited by Boston Terriers can sometimes present training challenges for their owners. It’s important for owners to use positive reinforcement techniques and maintain patience and consistency when training these dogs. Incorporating activities and commands that align with their interests can encourage a more responsive attitude.
  5. Breed Characteristics: The selective hearing trait is also influenced by the breed’s history as working dogs and rat hunters. In their past roles, they often had to make quick, independent decisions to perform their tasks efficiently. This history has influenced their instinct to weigh the importance of different situations.
  6. Social Animals: Boston Terriers are social animals and usually enjoy interacting with their human family members. The selective hearing they exhibit is not a reflection of their desire to be aloof or distant but rather a manifestation of their innate curiosity and playfulness. It’s essential for owners to foster a strong bond and positive communication to encourage more consistent responsiveness.
  7. Age-Related Variations: As Boston Terriers age and mature, their selective hearing tendencies may evolve. They often become more responsive to commands and calls as they grow older and develop a deeper understanding of their owners’ expectations.

In summary, Boston Terriers’ selective hearing is a characteristic that stems from their independent and strong-willed nature. This behavior can be both a source of amusement and a challenge for their owners. Understanding the reasons behind their selective responsiveness and employing effective training techniques can help ensure that these “American Gentlemen” maintain a strong bond with their human companions while preserving their spirited and independent personalities.

Boston Terrier giving side-eye

Playful Stubbornness:

Boston Terriers have an independent streak that frequently emerges during playtime. They may insist on their game of choice or take the lead in deciding when to stop.

Playful stubbornness is a distinctive trait of Boston Terriers that often shines through during their favorite time of the day: playtime. These spirited little dogs exhibit a remarkable balance between playfulness and determination, creating moments of sheer entertainment and delightful challenge for their owners. Here’s an in-depth exploration of this aspect of their personality:

  1. Inherent Playfulness: Boston Terriers are renowned for their inherent playfulness. They have an uncanny ability to find joy in the simplest of activities, whether it’s chasing a ball, playing tug-of-war, or even engaging in interactive puzzle toys. Their playful nature is one of the qualities that make them such beloved companions.
  2. Strong-Willed Spirit: This breed’s playful stubbornness is intertwined with their strong-willed spirit. While they thoroughly enjoy playtime with their owners, they also like to have a say in the games they play. Their determination and strong-willed nature come into play when they want to lead the game or assert their preferences during play.
  3. Game Selection: Boston Terriers may exhibit a clear preference for certain games or toys. For instance, they might have an absolute favorite among their collection of toys and insist on playing with it repeatedly. This playful selectiveness can sometimes come across as stubbornness when they ignore other available options.
  4. Playtime Duration: Another aspect of their playful stubbornness is their inclination to dictate the duration of play sessions. Boston Terriers are known for their high energy levels, but they also have a keen sense of when they’ve had enough play. Owners might notice their dogs signaling the end of playtime by suddenly losing interest in the game or even walking away, indicating that they’ve played to their satisfaction.
  5. Communication: Boston Terriers are skilled communicators during playtime. They might bark, nudge, or use their body language to express their desire to continue or end a game. Understanding and responding to these cues is crucial for a harmonious playtime experience.
  6. Training Challenges: Playful stubbornness can sometimes present training challenges, particularly during play-related training exercises. Owners may need to employ strategies that cater to their Boston Terrier’s independent nature, such as offering positive reinforcement for desired behaviors or using their preferred toys as rewards.
  7. Bonding Opportunities: While their playful stubbornness can create entertaining scenarios, it also provides opportunities for bonding with their owners. When both owner and dog find a balance in play, it fosters a stronger connection between them.
  8. Aging Effects: As Boston Terriers mature, their playful stubbornness might evolve. With age, they may become more adaptable in their play and willing to explore new games or activities. This development is part of their growth and understanding of their human companions.
  9. Joyful Relationships: Ultimately, the playful stubbornness of Boston Terriers adds a layer of joy to the relationship between the dog and its owner. The delightful back-and-forth between playful resistance and cooperative engagement is part of what makes these “American Gentlemen” such cherished companions.

To summarize, Boston Terriers’ playful stubbornness is an integral part of their charm and personality. It’s a testament to their spirited and independent nature, making playtime with these dogs a unique and enjoyable experience. While they might assert their preferences during play, finding common ground and accommodating their desires can lead to moments of pure fun and bonding between these lovable canines and their owners.

Boston Terrier Lying on Floor

Curious Nature:

Their inquisitive minds contribute to their stubbornness. Boston Terriers often have a strong desire to explore their surroundings, which can lead to resistance when told to stay put.

The curious nature of Boston Terriers plays a significant role in their overall stubbornness. These dogs are naturally inquisitive and possess an insatiable desire to explore their surroundings. This inquisitiveness is a delightful aspect of their character, but it can sometimes lead to resistance when owners try to keep them within boundaries. Let’s delve into the intricacies of how their curious nature intertwines with their stubborn tendencies:

  1. Exploratory Instinct: Boston Terriers have a built-in exploratory instinct. They are eager to investigate new scents, sights, and sounds in their environment. This instinct is a reflection of their history as tenacious rat hunters. Their relentless curiosity is a testament to their keen senses and intelligence.
  2. Boundary Testing: When a Boston Terrier is told to stay put or avoid certain areas, their curious nature may lead to boundary testing. They want to venture beyond the prescribed limits to satiate their desire for discovery. This can result in moments of resistance or apparent stubbornness, as they push against the boundaries set by their owners.
  3. Adventurous Walks: While walking, Boston Terriers may exhibit an independent streak in choosing their own paths. They often pull on their leash, veering toward interesting smells or intriguing spots. This behavior might be perceived as stubbornness, but it’s primarily a manifestation of their natural curiosity.
  4. Indecisive Moments: Boston Terriers can sometimes display moments of indecision during walks or outdoor adventures. They may stop abruptly, change direction, or hesitate, indicating their interest in something they’ve encountered. Their owners might interpret these behaviors as stubbornness, but it’s often driven by their insatiable curiosity.
  5. Selective Focus: These dogs have a unique ability to selectively focus on particular aspects of their environment. They may fixate on a scent trail or the movements of a small creature, making it challenging for owners to redirect their attention. This selective focus can sometimes come across as resistance to commands.
  6. Training Adaptations: Owners of Boston Terriers often find it beneficial to adapt their training methods to accommodate their curious nature. Using positive reinforcement, offering engaging toys or treats, and incorporating mental stimulation exercises can help harness their curiosity in a positive direction.
  7. Exploratory Play: Boston Terriers’ curiosity extends to their playtime as well. They might be drawn to toys that challenge their problem-solving skills and engage their inquisitive minds. Puzzle toys and interactive games can be excellent choices to keep them mentally stimulated and prevent boredom.
  8. Safety Considerations: As owners of Boston Terriers embrace their dogs’ curiosity, they also need to ensure their safety. Using secure fences, leashes, and harnesses during outdoor activities can help strike a balance between exploration and safety.
  9. Lifelong Learning: The curious nature of Boston Terriers is not limited to their puppyhood. Throughout their lives, they remain eager learners and explorers. Owners can continue to engage their inquisitive minds through novel experiences and positive challenges.

In summary, the curious nature of Boston Terriers, rooted in their history as skilled rat hunters, is a driving force behind their occasional stubbornness. While it can lead to resistance when boundaries are set, it’s essential to recognize that this curiosity is an essential part of their character. By understanding and embracing their inquisitiveness, owners can forge stronger bonds with these delightful dogs and provide them with enriching experiences that cater to their natural instincts.

Independence and Intelligence: The Positive Side

While Boston Terriers can display stubbornness, their independence is also a part of what makes them such an appealing breed. Their intelligence and self-assuredness have their merits:

Problem Solvers:

Boston Terriers are known for their problem-solving skills. Their independent nature allows them to figure things out on their own, which can be helpful in various situations.

The problem-solving skills of Boston Terriers are a fascinating aspect of their independent nature. Their ability to tackle challenges and find solutions independently is a testament to their intelligence and resourcefulness. Here’s a closer look at how their problem-solving abilities manifest and the benefits they bring:

  1. Resourceful Thinkers: Boston Terriers are inherently resourceful thinkers. When faced with obstacles or puzzles, they often exhibit a tenacious determination to find a way around or through them. This quality can be both endearing and impressive to their owners.
  2. Solving Everyday Challenges: In everyday life, Boston Terriers may demonstrate their problem-solving skills. For example, they might figure out how to open a door or access a treat hidden in a puzzle toy. Their ability to think through these minor challenges is a testament to their intelligence and adaptability.
  3. Adapting to Situations: These dogs are adept at adapting to different situations. If they encounter an unfamiliar environment or a new toy, they may engage in a series of actions to understand and interact with it. Their curiosity and problem-solving abilities allow them to adapt quickly.
  4. Independent Learning: Boston Terriers often exhibit a strong inclination toward independent learning. They may observe and learn from their surroundings, other pets, or even their owners. This capacity for self-guided learning is indicative of their inquisitive minds.
  5. Curiosity-Driven Solutions: When faced with a situation that piques their curiosity, Boston Terriers may become highly focused on finding a solution. For example, they might investigate how to reach an intriguing scent or sound. This behavior is an expression of their problem-solving mindset.
  6. Reinforcing Independence: Encouraging and rewarding their problem-solving efforts can reinforce their independence and confidence. Positive reinforcement, such as praise or treats, can motivate them to continue exploring and solving challenges.
  7. Mental Stimulation: Engaging Boston Terriers in activities that stimulate their minds is essential to keeping their problem-solving skills sharp. Puzzle toys, interactive games, and obedience training provide valuable mental exercise opportunities.
  8. Safety Considerations: While their independence and problem-solving abilities are commendable, owners should always prioritize their safety. This includes securing potentially hazardous items or areas and supervising them in unfamiliar or risky environments.
  9. Building Bonds: Encouraging problem-solving activities that involve interaction with their owners can strengthen the bond between Boston Terriers and their families. Collaborative games and training sessions provide opportunities for shared experiences.
  10. Lifelong Learning: The problem-solving abilities of Boston Terriers persist throughout their lives. As they mature, they continue to demonstrate their resourcefulness in various situations, making them lifelong learners.

The problem-solving skills of Boston Terriers are closely linked to their independent nature. These dogs exhibit resourceful thinking, adaptability, and a curious mindset that allows them to tackle challenges with determination. Recognizing and appreciating their problem-solving abilities can lead to a deeper understanding of their unique character and create opportunities for enriching their lives through mental stimulation and shared activities.

Smiling Boston Terrier


Their independence enables Boston Terriers to adapt well to different environments and lifestyles. They can be equally content in an apartment in the city or a house in the countryside.

The adaptability of Boston Terriers is a remarkable trait that sets them apart as versatile and well-rounded companions. Their ability to thrive in various environments and lifestyles is a testament to their adaptable nature. Let’s delve deeper into how their independence fosters this adaptability:

  1. Urban or Rural Settings: Boston Terriers are equally at home in urban and rural environments. In a bustling city, they adapt to apartment living, enjoying the close proximity to their owners and the excitement of urban life. Conversely, in the countryside, they relish the open spaces and fresh air. Their adaptable nature allows them to find contentment regardless of the setting.
  2. Aptitude for Change: These dogs have a remarkable aptitude for change. Whether you move to a new home, travel, or introduce them to different surroundings, Boston Terriers quickly adjust. Their independence and self-reliance enable them to explore and acclimate to new experiences with confidence.
  3. Travel Companions: Boston Terriers make excellent travel companions due to their adaptability. Whether you’re embarking on a road trip or flying to a new destination, they are comfortable with the changes in routine and surroundings. Their small size is an advantage when traveling, making them easy to transport.
  4. Acceptance of Varied Lifestyles: Boston Terriers adapt well to a range of lifestyles. They can fit into the lives of busy professionals, families with children, or retirees seeking a loyal companion. Their flexibility in accommodating different daily routines and preferences is a testament to their adaptability.
  5. Versatile Exercise Needs: These dogs have adaptable exercise needs. While they enjoy playtime and walks, they don’t require intense physical activity. This makes them suitable for owners with diverse schedules and lifestyles, including those living in smaller spaces.
  6. Social and Independent: Boston Terriers exhibit social and independent qualities, which contribute to their adaptability. They enjoy spending time with their families but can also entertain themselves when needed. This balance allows them to adapt to varying levels of human interaction.
  7. Flexible Companionship: Their independence doesn’t hinder their capacity for companionship. Boston Terriers are known for forming strong bonds with their owners, making them wonderful companions. They can adapt to your need for affection and attention while also being content on their own.
  8. Low Maintenance Grooming: Their grooming needs are minimal, and their short coat is easy to care for. This low-maintenance aspect enhances their adaptability since owners with busy lifestyles or varying levels of grooming expertise can easily accommodate their needs.
  9. Resilience and Health: Boston Terriers tend to be a hardy and resilient breed. Their ability to adapt to different climates and environmental conditions contributes to their overall health and well-being. They can live comfortably in both hot and cold climates.
  10. Openness to New Experiences: Their curiosity and inquisitive nature make Boston Terriers open to new experiences. Whether it’s trying new foods, exploring new places, or interacting with different people and animals, they approach new encounters with an open and adaptable mindset.

In conclusion, the adaptability of Boston Terriers is a reflection of their independent yet sociable nature. Their capacity to adjust to various environments and lifestyles makes them cherished companions for individuals and families with diverse needs and preferences. Their ability to find contentment and thrive in different settings showcases their resilience and flexibility, reinforcing their reputation as a highly adaptable breed.

Smiling Boston Terrier

Loyal Guardians:

Despite their independent streak, Boston Terriers remain fiercely loyal to their owners. They often serve as excellent watchdogs, alerting their families to potential threats.

One of the most endearing qualities of Boston Terriers is their unwavering loyalty to their human companions. This loyalty, coupled with their independent nature, makes them exceptional guardians and vigilant watchdogs. Here’s an exploration of their role as loyal protectors and their effectiveness as watchful companions:

  1. Alert and Watchful: Boston Terriers are naturally alert and watchful, often exhibiting a keen awareness of their surroundings. This vigilance is rooted in their history as terrier breeds known for hunting small game and guarding property. As a result, they have a strong instinct to keep a close eye on their environment.
  2. Protective Instinct: While they might be playful and charming, Boston Terriers have a protective instinct that emerges when they sense potential threats. They are quick to react to unusual sounds, unfamiliar faces, or any situation they deem as out of the ordinary. This protective nature is an extension of their loyalty to their owners and their desire to keep their loved ones safe.
  3. Quick to Alert: These dogs are not known for being aggressive, but they excel at alerting their families to potential dangers. Their distinctive bark and attentive behavior are telltale signs that something has captured their attention. This makes them an excellent early warning system, providing peace of mind to their owners.
  4. Size Doesn’t Matter: Despite their small stature, Boston Terriers have no reservations about confronting perceived threats. They are courageous and won’t back down when they believe their family is in jeopardy. This fearlessness adds to their protective capabilities.
  5. Close Bond with Owners: Boston Terriers share a deep emotional connection with their owners. Their loyalty is a manifestation of this bond, as they prioritize their owner’s safety and well-being above all else. This emotional attachment strengthens their role as protective companions.
  6. Family Protectors: These dogs are known for being family-oriented, and their loyalty extends to everyone in the household. They will stand guard not only over their owner but also over children, other pets, and the home itself. Their role as protectors encompasses the entire family unit.
  7. Alert but Not Aggressive: Boston Terriers strike a balance between being vigilant and not overly aggressive. They can distinguish between real threats and everyday occurrences. While they may alert you to potential danger, they typically won’t act aggressively unless it’s necessary to protect their loved ones.
  8. Caring and Comforting: Their loyalty goes beyond being protectors; they are also a source of comfort. Boston Terriers are quick to provide emotional support to their owners when needed. They can sense when their human companions are upset or distressed and offer a calming presence.
  9. Adaptability in Guarding: Boston Terriers’ adaptability plays a role in their effectiveness as watchdogs. They can adapt to different living environments, including apartments, houses, or urban settings, while maintaining their role as protectors. Their keen senses remain sharp, regardless of the living conditions.

Boston Terriers’ loyalty to their owners is a cornerstone of their personality. Their protective instincts, combined with their watchful nature, make them excellent watchdogs and devoted guardians. Their size doesn’t deter them from fulfilling their role in safeguarding their loved ones, and their loyalty ensures that they’ll always be there to alert and protect their family from potential threats. These endearing qualities enhance their reputation as both charming companions and steadfast protectors.

Boston Terrier looking sad

Balancing Independence and Obedience

The key to a harmonious relationship with a Boston Terrier lies in understanding and managing their independent streak. Here are some strategies to strike the right balance:

  1. Training: Early socialization and consistent training are essential for Boston Terriers. Positive reinforcement methods, such as treats and praise, work well to encourage desired behaviors.
  2. Routine: Establishing a routine for your Boston Terrier helps them understand expectations and minimizes opportunities for stubbornness. Regular exercise and playtime are crucial.
  3. Mental Stimulation: Boston Terriers are intelligent dogs, and they thrive on mental stimulation. Puzzle toys, interactive games, and obedience training sessions keep their minds engaged.
  4. Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats and praise. Positive reinforcement encourages them to follow commands and exhibit desirable behaviors.
  5. Patience: Be patient with your Boston Terrier. Their independent nature may lead to occasional challenges, but understanding their personality and working together can overcome these hurdles.

3 Common Misconceptions

It’s essential to dispel common misconceptions about Boston Terriers’ stubbornness:

  1. Stubborn ≠ Disobedient: While they can be stubborn at times, it’s crucial to differentiate between stubbornness and disobedience. Boston Terriers are often eager to please but may need more guidance and patience in training.
  2. Temperament Varies: Not all Boston Terriers will display the same level of stubbornness. Temperament varies from one dog to another, and early socialization plays a significant role in shaping their behavior.
  3. Lack of Intelligence: Boston Terriers’ independent nature should not be confused with a lack of intelligence. They are highly intelligent dogs who require mental stimulation to stay happy and content.

Stubbornness vs. Independence: A Fine Line

It’s important to understand that stubbornness and independence can sometimes be closely related. Boston Terriers’ independence is what makes them unique and endearing, but it can also lead to moments of stubbornness. Striking the right balance involves embracing their independent nature while ensuring they respond to essential commands.


Boston Terriers are a captivating breed, known for their unique blend of intelligence, independence, and yes, occasional stubbornness. While their strong-willed personalities may lead to moments of resistance, these charming dogs are also loyal, adaptable, and loving companions. Understanding their independent streak and working together through training and positive reinforcement can lead to a strong and fulfilling bond between Boston Terriers and their owners. As with any breed, patience and a deep appreciation for their individuality are the keys to a harmonious relationship with this beloved “American Gentleman” of the dog world.

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